Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ursula in Retro Style

Hurry Home Princess by =daveizoid on deviantART

Ursula... part of the retro series. Done in Adobe Illustrator.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Neo Retro Style

Lately I have been inspired by the new retro style of animation/ cartooning. I had a go at it today and had fun doing so.

I have a few other pictures I drew along with this. One of Ursula, one of a spy in a furry jacket, and one of Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon. I plan on vectoring them in the near future, so keep an eye out for them.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Shiny New Layout!

I added a shiny new layout. I found it from this Blogger template site (link in footer) and I heavily modified it to fit my needs.

One cool thing is, it also features a tiny little bit of CSS3, so if you are using the latest version of Safari, or FireFox, you should notice the corners of the main white box are rounded! If your browser does not support CSS3 codes, you will see a hard square.

Still no new art. I am working on a new Munny of Sailor Moon. I am having a dickens of a time doing the dress and bows. The pasta machine I had lost the handle (yeah, sucks a lot) so I cannot get the clay flat and thin so I can do my thing with it. Also, I am going to have a field day with the hair...

I also plan on sketching today. Nothing fancy... just something that needs to be done!

Keep an eye out for newer updates!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Forever long update time!

I haven't really gotten around to posting here. As you can tell it has been months. I'm reletivly busy with work sucking my soul and not allowing me to get my creative juices flowing any more. Also I have been working on another blog called "Bad Graphic Design".

I havn't gotten around to doing a new drawing in 2009 so far, but I did this one not too too long ago.

I hope to update a lot more in the new year!